Sunday, December 25, 2011

Starting a Mobile Locksmith Business

!±8± Starting a Mobile Locksmith Business

One of the best decisions I ever made in my 62 years of life on this planet was to become my own boss in a field that is never dull, always challenging, and intrinsically interesting. It was not an early decision. In fact it did not occur to me to enter this field until after I'd already spent ten years as a professional photographer. It came about in an odd way, as many serendipitous things do. But regardless of how it came to be, I consider that decision the one that paved the way for me to spend the rest of my working life in comfort and with a good measure of security.

I've since discovered that many people follow a similar course, turning to locksmithing only after finding themselves unhappy in other jobs. I'm not sure how or why so many discover this particular business when looking for an interesting career. In my case it was a natural progression from a rather unique part-time career I had fashioned for myself: That of installing simple door viewers and doing this door to door. Many times my customers would ask if I could install deadbolts for them while I was at it, and after turning down money a dozen or so times I finally got wise and visited a local locksmith supplier who sold me an install kit and a book of instructions. From what I can tell, others come across this idea by doing Internet searches for home businesses, because ultimately this qualifies as such if you, like I do, run it out of your home and structure it as a Sole Proprietorship. In any case, it is obvious that locksmithing has become a popular choice for a chance at self-employment.

After tiring of door to door selling (which didn't take long to do) I hit upon the idea of cold calling. I was still thinking too small, but at the time I didn't know it. Lesson Number One: Don't do this. I was doing it back in 1981 or so when the stigma attached to such endeavors wasn't quite so strong. I'm afraid that calling people out of the phone book and asking if they'd like to have deadbolts installed just would not fly in the present era of terrorism and business rip-offs.

Still, I owe to this period of hard knocks a good deal. I became efficient at installing locks, rekeying locks, and duplicating keys. It was during this one year period that I scrounged together enough money to purchase a small key duplicator and also a lock rekeying kit. I carried these items in the trunk of my car and carried them into my customer's home when needed. I also purchased several boxes of the most common domestic key blanks and by the time I'd accumulated all this stuff my car's trunk was crammed and I was wishing for more room. Also, and most important, I came to realize that driving around in an unmarked car and working out of the trunk was not lending itself well to my credibility.

Lesson Number Two: Start out with credibility. Purchase a small work van, or a large one if you can afford it. Buy signs or have signs painted on it. Use whatever lending power you have, may it be with banks or with family, to locate a used vehicle and have signage made up, even if this is in the form of magnetic signs. Of course all this suggests you start out as a legitimate business, and this is just my point. Create a name for your business (think long and hard about this, as you'll lose any credibility you might initially gain if you keep changing it), have signs and forms and letterheads made up, and dive in.

There is, too, the question of legality. This is a hard subject to field, because the legality of doing business from one jurisdiction to another can differ widely, and even wildly. It is incumbent upon you to do the research and determine whether or not your jurisdiction requires a locksmith be certified, bonded, and/or licensed. You'll almost certainly discover that licensing is the fundamental hurdle, and that is usually taken care of with the signing of a few forms and the payment of a small annual fee. Certification is something else. Not all jurisdictions require this. In my case I found that the state in which I was then living -- Utah -- did not require it. Nor was I required to be bonded, though I chose to do so for the added protection (it is widely and incorrectly thought that bonding protects the locksmith's customer, whereas in fact it is the locksmith that is protected by the bond).

Lesson Number Three: Do the homework required to determine if acquiring a business license is all that is needed to establish your locksmith service. One phone call to your state's Attorney General office will likely answer that question.

Once you have lined up an affordable vehicle and put a reasonably professional sign on it, you must begin outfitting it. This should, and must, be done before you begin advertising your services because if you are like I was at this point you know next to nothing about the business and not much more about the work. We will endeavor at this point to educate ourselves. Locksmithing is in point of fact one of the few professions left in this world in which a formal education is absolutely UNnecessary. I have spoken to very few professionals during my career who got to be that way through going to a 'locksmith school' or a college. This is certainly not to say that a formal education isn't desirable. If you can afford it, if you have the means, then by all means take that route. This article is for those of you who can't.

The vehicle you purchase will in large part determine how it is to be equipped. I've always preferred a full-size van (I've owned Ford, Chevy and GMC models during my career), but there are many locksmiths who just love the Astro Van or Safari Van made by GM. These minivans are popular with many different professions and are ubiquitous. You can undoubtedly find one in your price range. Either way, the first order of business is to erect a work bench that will give you as much space as possible. Best to have the bench on one side of the van and leave the opposite side for shelves or storage bins. Make it sturdy! There is nothing worse than a wobbly bench when you're trying to rekey locks. Make it level for the same reason.

You'll need a power source. It is excusable to string extension cords until you can afford something better, but bear in mind that this detracts from your professionalism. The ultimate is probably having a RediLine Generator that runs off your van's 12V power. This is not a power inverter, it is actually a generator and it kicks out 110-115V power. They are wonderful sources of AC power and you can even run a bank of flourescent lamps off one of these for your interior shop lighting. There are several models to choose from with varying outputs, but they are expensive. If you can locate a rebuilt, so much the better. A good inverter might do the trick if you can't afford a RediLine, but be careful. Some key machines (and you're going to have to have one) will not run with an inverter.

Power now available, you need to start out with at least a key duplicator on your bench and preferably, as well, a good code cutting machine. The latter is desirable but not necessary in the beginning unless you plan to launch directly into automotive locksmithing, in which case you'll find it hard to get along without one. We'll touch on that in a moment. Key machines are almost impossible to find used. You'll likely end up buying a small HPC Speedex because they're pretty much the least expensive good key duplicator around. Expect to pay around 0. Best if you include this in your initial loan. A key duplicator is bread and butter for any locksmith, mobile or otherwise, so don't even think about starting up until you have one.

Equip yourself with a good rekeying kit. I've always preferred 'universal' kits because they do the work of dozens of other keyway-specific kits and they are easy to use. LAB makes the best of these, hands down. If you have the space, try to get a metal Classic Kit. If you don't, you can start out with one of LAB's Mini-Durex kits or, better, the miniature version of the Universal Kit (LMK-005 or LMK-003). You simply can't rekey locks without one, and if you get a Universal you won't be confined to keying up one or two brands . . . you'll be able to handle them all. Don't know how to rekey locks? Pick up an instruction manual on the Internet or at They are available and this is one of the quickest locksmith skills to pick up. While you're at it, buy at least one plug follower, a pair of pin tweezers, and ideally a pair of TruArc pliers. Over time you'll accumulate more rekeying tools but these fundamentals are nearly essential.

Even before I was making money rekeying locks, I was being called to open cars. If you intend to advertise yourself as an emergency service, you're going to have to take in this kind of lucrative work. Let me tell you now, this will be the easiest money you've ever made. It is well worth learning the skills required to open vehicles even if it means spending a couple of hundred dollars on tools and a good manual. Lockouts, at least in my case, virtually supported me for years. If you live in a medium to large city, count on getting lockout calls day and night even if you have only a tiny ad somewhere (a subject for later). There are many good lockout kits available online, to suit any budget, and the same goes for lockout manuals. Do a Google search for 'car opening tools' or 'lockout tools' and you'll have no trouble finding suppliers. Are they legal where you live? Again . . . this is up to you to determine. The supplier cannot and will not endeavor to police this aspect of marketing, as it is simply not possible. I'm not advocating the purchase of anything that is not legal where you reside!

House and business lockouts are likewise lucrative sources of income for the locksmith, but these require different skills, different tools. Here is where it becomes necessary to learn the skill of lock picking -- probably the most fundamental skill of the trade. It is not as easy to learn as car opening and lock rekeying, but it is by no means difficult, either. It requires practice and patience, and it requires good tools. Do not get stingy here. There are lots of cheap lock picking tools for sale. You'll find them in automotive magazines, even. Stick with tools from the established firms like HPC, SouthOrd, Lockmasters, etc. Purchase a beginner's set with a few picks and one or two tension tools for start, unless you have a big budget, then go for a set that will last you a while. Choice of spring steel or stainless steel is largely a matter of personal choice. Whichever one you start out with will likely be the kind you'll stay with, because you'll form an attachment to that type and you'll train yourself to make the best of it. More important is the concept of practice. Buy Practice Locks. Once you've picked all the locks in your home you're going to need more challenges, and now that Practice Locks are an accepted training aid in this field you'd do well to pick up a few of them. Practice until you can repeatedly pick the most challenging of your Practice Locks and then practice some more.

Did I mention that servicing lockouts will likely be the single most lucrative service you offer your customers? I thought so. Good!

There are other aspects to providing a locksmith service and among these is the ability to install locksets on homes and businesses. Primarily you'll be asked to install deadbolts, but later on, as your business gets bigger, you'll want to offer commercial business and real estate companies the option of replacing all their old lock hardware for newer more secure hardware. Again, practice is called for and you should be prepared to install a few unnecessary deadbolts and knobsets on doors in your own home that don't need them. After doing this a dozen or so times, it will be easy to go to that first installation with confidence. You'll need to add a few essential tools to your toolbox, such as a 1/2 inch drill, a couple of hole saws (2-1/8 inch and 1-inch), a 1/2 inch boring bit, and a good wood chisel. With these tools, you can install deadbolts in metal or wood doors. Complete installation kits are available and are the best choice if you can work them into your budget. Need instruction? Books galore available on or at any large scale bookstore in your city.

Once you've accumulated vehicle and the tools, and some knowledge gleaned from practice and reading, you can start thinking about getting your feet wet. The best way to start is the old fashioned way and that is to appeal to family and friends for work and for referrals. Network. Talk to everyone you know and let them know you're serious about this and that you are available. Step two is to advertise and this is absolutely necessary, even if you start out only as a listing in the Yellow Pages. This is where 99% of the people who need a locksmith will look. Newspaper ads, flyers (Yucchhh!), direct mail and radio ads don't work for locksmiths unless you have one enormous budget. Try to justify a small one-eight or one-quarter page Yellow Page ad if at all possible. Even in the face of huge competition, you will get calls and over time your name will be spread around, if you do a good job. Well, it will get spread around if you don't, as well, but you'd do well to avoid that.

That's how I did it. That's how thousands of others have done it, give or take a detail or two. Be sure to cover the legal bases, because if you jump into it and find later that you're acting outside the law, don't come to me! This is part of your research. It is not that difficult to acquire a certification and satisfy local laws that may pertain to this business. If you keep the business small, and maintain yourself as a sole owner, you're going to be profiting right off the bat because overhead with a mobile service is nil.

It's within your reach whether you're 18 or 58.

Starting a Mobile Locksmith Business

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Battery Inverters - What You Should Know When Camping

!±8± Battery Inverters - What You Should Know When Camping

Camping is fun for the whole family, but it doesn't mean you have to be without all the creature comforts of home. Battery inverters give you a portable energy supply to help operate your favorite electrical devices. They simply convert the 12 volt current from your battery to 120 Volt household power. You can bring your satellite dish so you don't miss your favorite game or a coffee maker to enjoy a good ole cup of "joe" in the morning. First thing you must decide on is whether a modified or pure sine wave inverter will suit your needs. Modified sine wave units are the most popular choice among these devices. However, they are also the lesser of the two choices that you have. They are effective enough, but not rated for many high-tech or sensitive devices, making them useful for some but useless for others. They replicate the AC current that is similar to the electricity that you get from a standard AC outlet in your home, but it isn't as pure. Operating a few things, such as lights, fans and appliances is possible, but you won't get much more out of these devices than that. The modified sine wave units are much more accessible and affordable than pure sine wave units because they are less expensive to manufacture since they aren't perfect in their performance levels.

For many people, modified sine wave battery inverters are the perfect solution to all of their needs. They don't care about the choppy signal or the other disadvantages because they just want to plug in a few simple things on their vacation or have a backup power supply for the necessities like lights and a refrigerator in the event that they ever lose electrical service. Modified devices aren't a bad choice at all for these applications. They aren't the best choice out there to operate TV's or sensitive medical equipment, but some people just don't need to spend top dollar on pure sine wave devices because they really have very little use for the high-tech products while they are camping. Pure wave inverters convert power in its truest form. They convert 12 Volt DC current to 120 Volt AC current that is exactly what you have in your home.

Battery inverters can range in price from as little as to more than 00, making it confusing for many people to determine which is the best one for their needs or budget. However, if you take the time to check out what's available and compare it to what you require, you might be better able to get the right one for your needs. It doesn't matter if you are looking for a specific type or a certain amount of power, because there is something for just about everyone. There are many increments of wattage levels available, including everything from 75 watts for small use to a 8000 watt battery inverter for much larger needs. As long as you are able to figure out how much electricity you need when camping, and whether you can live with basic electric from modified sine wave device, you will be fine.

Battery Inverters - What You Should Know When Camping

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Top 5 Power Inverters

Top 5 Power Inverters #5 Go Power! GP-2500 2500-Watt Modified Sine Wave Inverter Go Power! 2500-Watt Modified Sine Wave Inverter takes in 12 Volt DC power and converts it to AC household power to run loads up to 2500-Watt of continuous power. This inverter comes with two AC outlets and can be hooked up to the batteries using GP-DC-KIT4 and can surge to 3600-Watt as well as contains all instructions. Click here to get 8% off! #4 Power Bright PW2300-12 Power Inverter 2300 Watt 12 Volt DC To 110 Volt AC PW-2300 Have Power on the Go! A power inverter converters DC battery power into conventional AC power which can run all kinds of personal electronics and mobile office equipment such as Laptops, Gaming Consoles (PS3, XBOX 360) MP3 Players, Cell Phone Chargers, DVD Players and more! Features: -Anodized aluminum case. -Two 3-prong AC receptacle. -Overload indicator. -Built-in cooling fan. -Wireless remote. -LED display- input voltage/output wattage. Click here to get 33% off! #3 Cobra CPI 2575 2500 Watt 12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Power Inverter The Cobra CPI 2575 is a 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC power inverter with 2500 watts continuous power handling and 5000 Watts peak power. This unit contains a 5 volt USB output, modified sine wave, thermal shutdown, reverse polarity protection, low voltage shutdown, low voltage alarm, 3 grounded AC receptacles, LED volt/watt meter and has remote on/off capability. Click here to get 47% off! #2 ...

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

BEST SOLAR PANEL MANUAL - BEST SOLAR PANEL MANUAL Build a 60 Watt Solar Panel The solar panel gets hooked into the charge controller circuit of the wind ..... Soap every day is the best. This has been a long term problem (many years). ...Solar Power Equipment My List Of Best Solar Panel Manufacturers ... Jan 20, 2009 ... There are more and more companies and entrepreneurs looking for Photovoltaic Systems. Solar Energy is one of the major renewable energy ...SunPower Tops List of Best Solar Panel Manufacturers ... SunPower makes the best solar panels in the world and Kaco makes the best inverters in the world and Direct Power and Water makes the best ...What is the best solar panel to buy? - Yahoo! Answers the best type of solar panel is the one you build yourself . it's very easy. Here's a DIY step by step process i took from a guide i offer at ...DIY Solar Panel in Your Home Using a User-Friendly Manual May 21, 2009 ... By using a user-friendly manual, everyone can diy solar panel at home ... It is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and for ...What Are the Best Solar Panel Instructions? Aug 8, 2008 ... However, what are the best solar panel instructions that will be the easiest, quickest and the cheapest to follow? ...What are the best solar panels and inverters Comparison of solar panel brands. Best solar Inverters to use with different brands of solar panels, based on a short interview with Dan ..Top Review of Solar For Home Use Guides I think we hit ...

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Ironman Gravity 4000 Inversion Table

!±8± Ironman Gravity 4000 Inversion Table

Rate : | Price : $194.26 | Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 09:19:03
Usually ships in 24 hours

The IronMan Gravity 4000 Inversion Table is built with a durable extra wide tubular steel frame with a scratch resistant powder coated finish. It has a Memory foam vinyl covered backrest with a removable lumbar pillow for a comfortable head and lower back. It has tough rubber non-skid floor stabilizers that provide stability when inverting. Extra long safety handles provide easy return to the upright position and vinyl safety covers are added for safety. The ergonomically molded ankle holders provide comfort and security. When not in use the Gravity 4000 can be folded for stroage.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

NEW Panasonic Microwave, Inverter, 1.2 Cu Ft (Home Office Products)

!±8±NEW Panasonic Microwave, Inverter, 1.2 Cu Ft (Home Office Products)

Brand : Panasonic
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Nov 25, 2011 07:30:38
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

- Inverter technology
- Inverter turbo defrost
- Menu action screen (multi-lingual)
- One-touch sensor cook and reheat
- Control panel
- Keep warm feature
- Push-buttom door release


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Home Built Solar Power System - Professionally Build Your Own Solar Generators

!±8± Home Built Solar Power System - Professionally Build Your Own Solar Generators

Do you want to learn how to make your own home built solar power system? More and more people all over the world are using renewable energy sources to power their homes. This is becoming so popular mostly because of never decreasing energy costs.

Many people have the idea in their heads that this can be very costly, and it can. But, if you learn how to make your own home solar power system you can save tons of money. Also if you can find the right guide to follow you can turn out professional quality solar panels.

There are four main components of a home built solar power system. These are:

Solar Panels - These can be quite expensive if purchased retail and the best way to save some cash is to build them yourself. Source out a good guide and follow it correctly and you shouldn't have a problem.

Batteries - Deep cycle batteries, such as marine batteries, are most common for residential solar systems.

Charge Controller - These moderate the amount of power transferred from the solar panels to the battery. They also help in keeping the batteries from over charging and trickle charge them to help maintain a long life.

Inverter - When your energy is stored in your deep cycle batteries off your home built solar power system, it is stored as Direct Current (DC). In order to be able to use it for household appliances the power must be converted to Alternating Current (AC). That is the job of a power inverter.

Home Built Solar Power System - Professionally Build Your Own Solar Generators

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Select the Right Power Inverter For You

!±8± How to Select the Right Power Inverter For You


A power inverter is an electronic device that converts electricity from one form to another. Power inverters have become more popular recently as the technology has become more efficient and much more affordable.

The most popular use for a power inverter is converting battery electricity into mains electricity. For example converting your car batteries' 12 volts DC into mains electricity 240 Volt AC (Australia) or 110 Volt AC (USA).

Power inverters enable mains operated electrical equipment to be used even where there is no mains outlets, like in your car, caravan or even on your boat!

Power inverters bring creature comforts from home when you go camping or caravaning allowing you to use your TV, fridge or electric shaver in fact most of the normal mains powered conveniences from the home.
You can charge your laptop in the car even if it doesn't happen to have a 12 volt adapter. In fact a power inverter can be a very handy gadget just to have in your car for those times you need to use a mains powered appliance while you're away from a power socket.


Apart from looking for a good quality well priced product there are a couple of important elements to consider when selecting your power inverter:


Power inverters come in a range of power capacities so selecting the right one for you is very important. Your power inverter needs to be able to provide sufficient power for the equipment you want to use it with.

Here is a brief check list:

o Check the power consumption for the device you want to power
o Allow an additional 20% free board
o Add the power for all the devices you want to run at the same time

Note also that devices with induction electric motors like an power saw may require 3 to 7 times the operating power when they start.

Using an under-powered power inverter may damage it or the appliance you are trying to use, so be sure to check the specific wattage requirements and operating instructions for appliances / tools to be used.


Normal mains power is known as Alternating Current (AC) and is a sine wave shape like the black line in the drawing below

Pure sine wave (black) versus modified sine wave (red)

A typical power inverter produces a 'modified sine wave output' like the red line in the drawing above. While this works for most appliances, light dimmers, variable speed drills, sewing machine speed controls, some laser printers etc. will not operate correctly with a modified sine wave power inverter.

Pure sine wave power inverters are especially designed to provide a more accurate sine wave output and so can be used with these appliances, but unfortunately they are more expensive.

Check with your with appliance manufacturer or its specifications to confirm if you can use a conventional power inverter or will need a pure sine wave inverter.


One of the great things about electronic equipment is there is no moving parts (although there is a fan in some models) so you can expect a long serviceable life from a power inverter.


Power inverters generate dangerous mains voltages so ensure the product you choose is approved for use with your mains voltage and supplier.

Power inverters can also generate electro-magnetic radiation that can interfere with other electronic equipment such as radios transmitters etc. Check for compliance with relevant standards such as C-Tick etc


Power inverters can generate potentially lethal voltages so the utmost of care should be exercised using them to avoid accidental electrocution.


To select your power inverter carefully check the power requirements for the appliance(s) you intend to use it with.

o Start power - Allow up to seven times for an induction motor
o Operating power - Allow a 20% margin
o Pure or modified sine wave

How to Select the Right Power Inverter For You

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tripp Lite APS2012 2000W 12V DC to AC Inverter with Automatic Line-to-Battery 100/25-Amp Charger

!±8± Tripp Lite APS2012 2000W 12V DC to AC Inverter with Automatic Line-to-Battery 100/25-Amp Charger

Brand : Tripp Lite | Rate : | Price : $569.00
Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 07:30:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

pTripp Lites APS2012 DC-to-AC inverter with automatic line-to-battery transfer and integrated charging system serves as an extended run UPS, a standalone power source or an automotive inverter. Supplies up to 2000 watts of continuous 120V AC power from any 12V battery or automotive DC source. OverPower TM inverter output feature temporarily provides up to 150% of the continuous output for 1-60 minutes, and DoubleBoost TM inverter output feature delivers up to 200% of the continuous output for up to 10 seconds, providing the extra power needed to cold start heavy-duty tools and motorized equipment. When hardwire AC input is energized, commercial power passes through to connected equipment and the battery set is recharged via 3 stage, 25/100 amp charging system. In UPS mode, the APS system responds to blackouts and voltage fluctuations with a near instantaneous automatic transfer to battery-derived AC output. Includes a set of high current DC input terminals for simple installation (user supplies batteries and cabling - see owners manual for recommendations). Passes sine wave utility or generator power during battery charging and UPS line power operation, plus efficient PWM sine wave AC output in inverter and UPS backup modes. Reliable large transformer design, with frequency control powers resistive electronic loads or large inductive motors, compress/p

More Specification..!!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

ArcOne I160 160 Amp Inverter Welding Machine

!±8± ArcOne I160 160 Amp Inverter Welding Machine

Rate : | Price : $556.16 | Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 21:34:06
Usually ships in 24 hours

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